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Unable to raise ITshop request using CreateItshopOrder method


We are trying to raise ITshop request using CreateITshopOrder method for ITshopOrgHasQERReuse object. We are trying to execute this method in Object browser but it is throwing below error

"Assignment requests are not allowed for the given product nodes."

Input parameters for the method passed were UID_Org, UID_PersonOrdered and custom script name and custom script has below code

Public Function test(ByRef dbAssignment As IEntity, ByRef dbPWO As IEntity) As String

dbPWO.PutValue("OrderReason", "Account Definition assignment converted to IT Shop request automatically.")

Return "done"
End Function

Please suggest how to resolve this. Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • Okay and now

    • What type of object are you trying to request? The easiest thing, post a screenshot of your entries from ObjectBrowser before you try to execute the method.
    • Did you read the explanations in the documentation about the necessary preparations for the type of assignments you are trying to create?
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