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Identity Manager Version 6.1.3: Set-Up a further AD-Domain failed


I got this error message:

ErrorMessages = Creating provider object using VI.JobService.NSProvider.ADSProvider,ADSProvider successful.
The connection mode of the provider was set to Default.
Definition rule for object properties and relation memberships was changed by the definition loaded from table Domain column MappingInfo.
Error parsing XML structure : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Configuration Name="AD synchronization - XXX-XX" Namespace="ADS">
<Layout />
<Option Name="SyncSystemContainer" Value="1" />
<Option Name="SyncAdvancedFeaturesContainer" Value="" />
<Option Name="DisableRAS" Value="1" />
<Option Name="DisableTerminal" Value="1" />
<Option Name="LookUpDomainNames" Value="" />
Processing task FullSync failed.

Any ideas why this error coming up?

Many thanks in advance,


Parents Reply Children
  • Btw following logs I figured out:



    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Info - Get property maxPwdAge.
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Info - Get property minPwdAge.
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Info - Get property minPwdLength.
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Info - Get property msDS-deletedObjectLifetime.
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Info - DirectoryLookup
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Serious - Exception occured
    [System.NullReferenceException] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Info - DirectoryLookup
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Serious - Exception occured
    [System.NullReferenceException] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    2018-11-05 16:50:25 +01:00 - Info - GetObjectListImpl
    2018-11-05 16:50:40 +01:00 - Info - GetObjectListImpl
    2018-11-05 16:51:10 +01:00 - Info - Get property OBJECTGUID.
    2018-11-05 16:51:10 +01:00 - Info - Get property showInAdvancedViewOnly.
    2018-11-05 16:51:10 +01:00 - Info - Get property OBJECTGUID.




    Validation of configured property set of object type contact initiated.
    Validation of configured property set of object type msDS-PasswordSettings initiated.
    Component is switched to single thread mode. Processing sequentially.
    Start synchronizing domainDNS ...
    Start processing objects / relation of type "domainDNS" using following settings:
    database amount : DELETE,
    intersection amount: UPDATEDB,
    namespace amount: IMPORT - USN optimization False.
    [921057] Object list from the target system has 1 elements.
    Start synchronizing organization ...
    Start processing objects / relation of type "organization" using following settings:
    database amount : DELETE,
    intersection amount: UPDATEDB,
    namespace amount: IMPORT - USN optimization False.
    [921057] Object list from the target system has 106 elements.
    Start synchronizing container ...
    Start processing objects / relation of type "container" using following settings:
    database amount : DELETE,
    intersection amount: UPDATEDB,
    namespace amount: IMPORT - USN optimization False.
    [921057] Object list from the target system has 370 elements.
    Start synchronizing user ...
    Start processing objects / relation of type "user" using following settings:
    database amount : DELETE,
    intersection amount: UPDATEDB,
    namespace amount: IMPORT - USN optimization False.
    [921057] Object list from the target system has 131 elements.
    [854008] Insert of object LDAP://XX-XXXXX:389/CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=XX,DC=ema,DC=XXXXXX,DC=com, type ADSAccount into database failed.
    [System.NullReferenceException] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    Process task FullSync succeeded.

    Is there any clues to solve this issue?

    Many thanks,
