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Ho can we make Craeted Rports avilablein One Idm Portal so user can request for it

Is there any way to create Reports via Report tool and make it avilable in User Portal ,so they can be requested  via User  Portal .Is there any way for it.

PLease help me..

Parents Reply
  • How can I use FK in simple list report? Can you give me an example, I tried this and I've got an error:
    <Column ExportDisplay="True" ColumnName="FK(UID_ShoppingCartOrder).DocumentNumber" TableName="PersonWantsOrg"/>

    <Column ExportDisplay="True" ColumnName="$FK(UID_ShoppingCartOrder).DocumentNumber$" TableName="PersonWantsOrg"/>

    Unfortunately, I must show some reports directly in web portal, however full-fledged can't be showed this way.

  • I think I was wrong. The format is different.

    How do I know?

    Use the "Export result" function to create your simple list report using foreign key relations. It demonstrates what is possible and how to code that in the XML.

  • I created template for my simple list report in report editor and chose this template in report definition in Manager. Now I can see my report with custom template in report preview in Manager, however when I try to export report to PDF from web portal, I see default template with "One Identity" header.

    See screenshots.

    How can I change it? Why do I see the default template, if I changed it in Manager in report definition?

  • You are not trying to subscribe a (simple-list) report in the web portal but you are exporting a grid, even if the grid is the result of the run of a simple-list report.

    The grid export feature from the web uses the report template VI_Reporting_DefaultTemplate for the export. I think this is configurable in the Web Designer project but I currently do not know where exactly.

    Your own template should work for the subscribable reports send by mail.