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Warning : DialogTable: Event PostSync is not defined.


We have a custom table and an INSERT process tagged to it. Upon executing the synchronization from synchronization editor, as seen in the jobqueue, it triggers that INSERT event.

However, the script that is tagged to that INSERT event does not run at all. 

All of the INSERT events that were triggered remained in the jobqueue.

- Synchronization is fully functional and we could see all of the rows in the custom table.

- However, the script did not run. We have even put logs (VID_Write2Log) in the scripts, but none executed.

We found the following from the jobqueue:

"Warning : DialogTable: Event PostSync is not defined. 

The event Postsync was triggered for 1 object(s) of type DialogTable."

Before this, it was actually working perfectly from end to end.

We were suspecting if any of the configuration parameters in Designer that we may have accidentally edited that may have caused this issue.

Any idea that it may be a process orchestration issue? We doubt it is, because before it was working, we did not configure any processes.

Thank you! 

  • This is merely a warning and has nothing to do with your INSERTs not being processed.

    • What is the status of the INSERT job in the job queue? (FROZEN, TRUE, ...)
    • Do you see any errors at these jobs?
    • Is the queue (name) serviced by any job service?
    What version are you using?
  • Hi Markus, 

    - All of the INSERT JOB (ScriptExecSingle = TRUE)  and has remained stagnant there. 

    - No errors in the jobqueue, the last message was the above mentioned Warning message 

    - Version 8.0.1

    We further checked the logs dated yesterday and saw the following errors (this is when end to end synchronization was working)

    ScriptName=CCC_UserStore_Insert <------ this is the scriptname that is tagged to the INSERT event, which did not run, but in the jobqueue, the custom process is shown

    Error occurred in DbRequestQueue.Process (thread: Database Job Results)

    [810023] Error during execution of statement : exec QBM_PJobSetRunParameter N'......

    [810143] Database error 50000: detected in (SRV=W01TAMSPOC, DB=OneIM) Procedure QBM_PJobSetRunParameter, Line 3

    [810143] Database error 50000: Process step does not exist (anymore) in Job Queue:

    Maybe the above error has any involvement? 

    Thank you Markus

  • Again, take a look at the Execution Status of each job in the queue. Are there any frozen jobs and if so are these also using the task ScriptExecSingle?

    The error message is pointing to the fact that someone has deleted jobs from the job queue manually or via SQL.

  • Nope, there are no frozen jobs. And there are no jobs using the task ScriptExecSingle too.

    We further tested other custom scripts via their custom processes and it produces the same problem, whereby the custom process is shown in the jobqueue, but remains as True. JobQueue logs did not update anything accordingly, and does not show any error.

    We then tried OOTB process, by creating a UNSAccountB in the Object Browser. OOTB process triggered and successfully ran, but the custom process triggered remains there, with no errors shown in the log.. no clue why. 

  • Nope, there are no frozen jobs. And there are no jobs using the task ScriptExecSingle too.

    We further tested other custom scripts via their custom processes and it produces the same problem, whereby the custom process is shown in the jobqueue, but remains as True. JobQueue logs did not update anything accordingly, and does not show any error.

    We then tried OOTB process, by creating a UNSAccountB in the Object Browser. OOTB process triggered and successfully ran, but the custom process triggered remains there, with no errors shown in the log.. no clue why. 
