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what is the importance of  - XIsInEffect   - in table  ADSAccountInADSGroup.I could see that ,some user doesn't have any  default groups.When i check in this table ADSAccountInADSGroup,i could see that the XIsInEffect   value is "False".

But some user having True value.So i updated the value as True.Then i checked ,i could see that that group got assigned.Is it a good way or what is significance of this column " XIsInEffect ".

If we update this via update query,will it affect anything.

Please help me.......

  • You are not supposed to run update queries on columns like XIsInEffect. There is a reason you are not allowed to edit XIsInEffect via the object layer.

    XIsInEffect represents whether the assignment is considered currently active.

    e.g. an account and its memberships are freshly imported from a target system and assigned to a employee. Your OneIM installation is configured to remove memberships when a employee is temporarily deactivated. The employee gets temporarily deactivated. According to the configuration OneIM has to remove all memberships of the account while simultaneously remembering the memberships to restore them later when the employee is reactivated. While the employee is deactivated all directly assigned memberships are XIsInEffect  = false.

  • You are not supposed to run update queries on columns like XIsInEffect. There is a reason you are not allowed to edit XIsInEffect via the object layer.

    XIsInEffect represents whether the assignment is considered currently active.

    e.g. an account and its memberships are freshly imported from a target system and assigned to a employee. Your OneIM installation is configured to remove memberships when a employee is temporarily deactivated. The employee gets temporarily deactivated. According to the configuration OneIM has to remove all memberships of the account while simultaneously remembering the memberships to restore them later when the employee is reactivated. While the employee is deactivated all directly assigned memberships are XIsInEffect  = false.

  • I have assigned the AD group to user more than 3 days.It is not assigned to user.It is still in DB Queue.How can solve this issue.Because of this reason only,i have updated the column"XIsInEffect "  as True.

    If this not correct way ,How can i correct it.I dont know why AD Group assignment is taking much time than normal time.

  • It is still in DB Queue

    That sounds like your core problem. Are there frozen Jobs related to your user in your Job Queue? Frozen jobs prevent the DB Queue from processing certain tasks.

    Are there errors in the database journal that might explain why the assignment task is not processing?

    Did you perform the assignment of the AD group to the user via object layer?

    If the issue persist consider contacting support. 

  • We have any AD Account definition ,that will be assigned to user when user having Dynamic Role assigned according to their location.

    Here Dynamic Resource added ,but AD account definition is not getting assigned to user.Previously everything went fine by automatically.

  • Are those the same employees marked as security risk? 

    Check the configuration of the Manage level of the affected accounts. I assume the "Retain groups on security risk" is disabled.