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Upgrade from 7.1.2 to 7.1.4 unresponsive


We are currently doing an upgrade from version 7.1.2 to 7.1.4 and during the schema installation the upgrade process becomes unresponsive. The operation it is trying to process is called QBM-K-CheckPendingNL.

Anyone know what this operation is doing or how to force the upgrade to continue?

thanks in advance

  • As this task is meant to ensure data quality, it checks for tailing NewLine characters which are not allowed and cut anyway when loading objects by object layer API.

    In case it is very critical, you can connect to this DB with a SQL console, remove that task from DBQ and restart the DB queue processor:

    exec QBM_PWatchDogPrepare 1
    exec QBM_PDBQueuePrepare 1
    delete DialogDBQueue where UID_Task = 'QBM-K-CheckPendingNL'
    delete QBMDBQueueCurrent where UID_Task = 'QBM-K-CheckPendingNL'
    exec QBM_PDBQueuePrepare 0,1
    exec QBM_PWatchDogPrepare
    Or, to be on the safe side, contact support to help you out.
    You may need to replace the ' in the SQL code with a single quote.
  • Thanks Markus, The problem i have is that this task has been running now for nearly 24 hours. Because this is a test environment i'm upgrading i thought id just let it run. I will try this solution to remove the task