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Date in Synchronization Editor Object Mapping rule


I'm having issues with Sync project with SQL as a target.

I have a Object matching rule with personnel number and leaving date property to SQL table which should write the personnel number and the date.

I'm only doing an insert to a table when a employee get's terminated. I have this job scheduled to run every night after my  HR import.

It keeps writing new entries to the SQL table even though it already exist in the target.

The workflow is only set for insert if it does not exist in the Target system. 

Is there an issue with date matching when trying to use in a object mapping rule?

I cannot seem to figure it out the dates are matching in Source and Target when it writes to the SQL table. Yet it want to write it over and over again.

Thank you,


  • Ok so i sorta figured it out.

    1IM stores the value in the table as UTC. 

    When it sends to target it's sending local time. 

    I'm not sure how to get the data matched and still trying to figure it out.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Source has UTC sends to Target as Central time.

    Mapping Object rule is using Source and Target dates in each side but it's not matching as Source is UTC and Target is central time.

  • Ok so i sorta figured it out.

    1IM stores the value in the table as UTC. 

    When it sends to target it's sending local time. 

    I'm not sure how to get the data matched and still trying to figure it out.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Source has UTC sends to Target as Central time.

    Mapping Object rule is using Source and Target dates in each side but it's not matching as Source is UTC and Target is central time.

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