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Persons marked as outstanding still have their account definitions and resources assign through dynamic rolesmark


I have an employee that have three account definitions assigned and one resource assigned through dynamic roles. But when the person is marked as outstanding the definitions and resources are still there (they're present in PersonHasTSBDefinition and PersonHasQERResource).

But if I go and test the condition for those four dynamic roles they're not there.

The entitlements origin "report" shows that they're still assigned to the person indirectly and that they're still in effect.

The condition for the dynamic group is to exclude persons that are marked as outstanding.

Please help..

PS: We're on version 8.0.1 (or 8.0.2)

Best regards,

Parents Reply Children
  • Yeah but still, MarkAsOutstanding is not meant to be used to remove the assignments. So if you want to go the route with using MarkAsOutstanding, you might want to set the flag Person.IsNoInherite first which would lead to the removal of all inherited permissions to the person.