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ADSAccount not updating from Person

Hi All, I could not trigger update of ADSAccount after the Person record is updated.

Previously, I was able to insert from HR feed all the way to creation of Active Directory account via synchronization.

However, an update of attribute from HR feed being passed all the way to Person happens, and it just ended there, without triggering update of ADSAccount.

No error was thrown.

What are the necessary things to look out for to ensure that update works?

TargetSystem\ADS\PersonUpdate is not checked. 

We are using version 8.0.1

Thank you!

  • Which attribute did you update? Remember that not all attributes will trigger a change to the ADSAccount. One to test manually would be the description on the Person record. Then confirm that it kicks off the ADSAccount update as it should. 

  • Which attribute did you update? Remember that not all attributes will trigger a change to the ADSAccount. One to test manually would be the description on the Person record. Then confirm that it kicks off the ADSAccount update as it should. 

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