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User is not getting deleted from Person table even if deffered deletion is 0


I am trying to delete the user in One IM and even from all the targets. So, I set, IsInActive = "True" and deffered deletion is "0". In this case, user accounts are getting deleted in targets but not in one IM i.e the user is still there in Person table. Please suggest how can this be resolved. Thank you.

Parents Reply Children
  • I have one doubt here. what is the use of deffered deletion then? My understanding was if is inactive and deffered deletion is set to 0 days, the user should get deleted immediately. I have referred below link

  • A user is not a person.  If a person loses an account definition (for whatever reason) then delayed deletion will delay the deletion of the user account.  But a person account will never be automatically deleted.

  • When you carefully read the documentation from the link you will see that there is more than one use case in regards to account deletion.

    And setting Person.IsInActive to 1 is the use-case to permanently disable an employee, not to delete him.

    Think about the deferred deletion of a person as a grace period where you are able to recall your decision with the ability to restore this person including all inherited permissions.

    Account Definition Master Data for Account Definition Assignment Behavior
    Property Description

    Retain account definition if permanently disabled

    Specifies the account definition assignment to permanently disabled employees.

    Option set: the account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account stays the same.

    Option not set: the account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted.

    Retain account definition if temporarily disabled

    Specifies the account definition assignment to temporarily disabled employees.

    Option set: the account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account stays the same.

    Option not set: the account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted.

    Retain account definition on deferred deletion

    Specifies the account definition assignment on deferred deletion of employees.

    Option set: the account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account stays the same.

    Option not set: the account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted.

    Retain account definition on security risk

    Specifies the account definition assignment to employees posing a security risk.

    Option set: the account definition assignment remains in effect. The user account stays the same.

    Option not set: the account definition assignment is not in effect. The associated user account is deleted.