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WebPortal SSO authentication doesn't work when connected by Application Server

Hello all!

My SSO works when my Portal application targets the database directly.
At the same time, my application has Windows Authentication activated and Anonymous authentication is disabled, and NTLM is selected as the main provider.

Windows Authentication is also activated on the Default web site side, but Anonymous authentication is also enabled (SSO did not work without it) and NTLM is not used as the main provider.

I also use the following settings in my Internet Explorer browser:
"Enable Integrated Windows Authentication" activated. Portal site added to local intranet sites.
So, with all these inputs, SSO works fine for me.

It doesn't working when I connect not through the database, but through the application server. I tried various settings (please review previous screenshots).
The question is: what settings do we have on the side of the application server and IIS on which it is installed I must to do , when connecting my Portal application through the application server.
