One Identity Service and Job Server on the same server?j

Hi, I'm using version 8 and I've installed into an Azure lab for learning purposes. I have three servers, a web server, service server and database server. I've installed the One Identity Service on the service server and then proceeded to add a job server to the same server. The install all works fine and I've set the job configuration but in Job Queue Info the server is showing as 'Unable to connect to the remote server' and navigating to port 1880 gives me a 404, and if I run a sync job with that job server selected, the process does nothing, it doesn't start or freeze just stays at True. I've got event and file logging on the job server and although there is some info in the file log, there are no errors. Is there any problem with the job server being on the same server as the one identity service? If not, where else should I look to resolve my problem and get the job server operational? btw is there any way to search these forums?

  • Firewall blocking port 1880? 

    Did you check the log file from the One Identity Job Service to see if it started ok?

  • Yeah the job service log looks fine, there's no errors and it started correctly. It even requests process steps for it's queue

    2019-01-22 22:40:14.6373 INFO (Jobservice ) : Requesting process steps for queue \1ID8-SERVICE.
    2019-01-22 22:40:14.6686 INFO (Jobservice ) : Last process step request succeeded.

    But still job queue info doesn't see it as online and it doesn't process anything. The firewall is currently down and I'm trying to load the web view locally on the job service server anyways.

  • and you can't see the job service status web page when you go to port :1880 on the 1ID8-SERVICE host?  Have you tried restarting the windows service "One Identity Manager Service" ? Are there any errors in the windows event viewer or in the OneIM service logs as it starts? I see it's processing queue \1ID8-SERVICE from your logs above. 

    If you open up designer.exe and go to the "Edit Job server" section  what "server functions" does your job server entry have?  If you've just one job server you would expect it to have "SQL Processing Server";"Update Server" as a minimum.    Again in the job server view check the "Queue Name", you should see " \1ID8-SERVICE" and then check the full server name field, is this the hostname of your windows server where the "One Identity Manager Service" is installed?

    Is your DBQueue processing internal db tasks ok? Is there anything odd in the JobQueueInfo "System Journal"  (View menu->System Journal") ?

  • and you can't see the job service status web page when you go to port :1880 on the 1ID8-SERVICE host?  Have you tried restarting the windows service "One Identity Manager Service" ? Are there any errors in the windows event viewer or in the OneIM service logs as it starts? I see it's processing queue \1ID8-SERVICE from your logs above. 

    If you open up designer.exe and go to the "Edit Job server" section  what "server functions" does your job server entry have?  If you've just one job server you would expect it to have "SQL Processing Server";"Update Server" as a minimum.    Again in the job server view check the "Queue Name", you should see " \1ID8-SERVICE" and then check the full server name field, is this the hostname of your windows server where the "One Identity Manager Service" is installed?

    Is your DBQueue processing internal db tasks ok? Is there anything odd in the JobQueueInfo "System Journal"  (View menu->System Journal") ?

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