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Is it safe to delete old and obsolete ShoppingCartItems and Orders from One Identity Manager Database?

We have got a lot of data in shoppingcartitems and orders table and that is causing some issues when users try to submit new orders. 

I'm trying to figure out, how is this data used internally in the product?

I can see that ShoppingCartItems being left in the table might just be submitted items which do not have any personwantsorg entry attached, though there are other entries too. I was able to delete all old orphan shoppingcartitems from the table without any issues but I'm reluctant to touch the ones which have uid_personwantsorg attached and I can see that they are either unsubscribe requests or prolongate requests. Why does 1IM retain these entries, is it a bug or a feature? if its a bug and this data is not required, can we delete this garbage?

For Shoppingcartorders table, I can see that all entries are referenced from personwantsorg table and I assume it might just be to back track the requests though it wouldn't give a complete picture of what items were submitted in the order (as items are usually deleted as soon as order is submitted). So what essentially is the purpose of keeping all submitted shoppingcartorders?

  • In regards to the ShoppingCartOrders, they are used as a reference in the audit trail. Many customers want to know which products have been requested together with the same order.

    In regards to the unsubscribe or prolongate requests, are those still open or have they been finished?

    By the way, about which version are we talking here?

  • Thank you for your reply.

    We are using 1IM 6.

    So if customer is not interested in such trail for shoppingcartorders, would it be safe to delete them?

    For ShoppingCartItems, yes there are finished ones and pending ones as well. Is it safe to remove finished ones?

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