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Cannot use system user login on DBCompiler after migration from v6.1.4 to v7.0.3.

Hi all,

My situation: Existing 1IM v6.1.4 Prod, MS SQL DB, currently testing building reference systems in order to practice migrating from v6.1.4 to v7.0.3 using some Professional Services help and tools. 

I wanted to see what a migrated system will look like so have performed a migration to v7.0.3. The migration was basically error free but any attempts to perform a compile cannot be done as the DBcompiler tool does not include the system user method in the Authentication Method list. The options are:  Active Directory user account (manual input/role based), Active Directory user account (role based), Employee (role based), Active Directory user account

So I cannot use any other tools until the DB is compiled and cannot compile because of this. I am awaiting a response from the busy PSO people and wondered if anyone had any ideas on this? 

Thanks, Todd Fendt 

  • Hi Markus, Thanks for the ideas. I wanted to review for me benefit the Cache file directories I need to delete.

    I see this tree of directories:

    C:\Users\taf737\AppData\Local\Dell\One Identity Manager\Cache    This seems correct as the v7 product is Dell labeled.

    I will delete the Cache file directories.

    Also, I will perform a compare to another v7.0.3 installation on another server to compare all files and check for differences.

    My issue here is that my other v7.0.3 active system is not derived from the M61 installation, it was installed from a v7.0.3 download and there are file differences here.

    Not sure If I can install using the M61 media without upgrading a v6.1.4? ( Has anybody done this?)

    Thanks for the advice Markus.I appreciate it.

  • Hi all, Clearing the Cache directories has not change my symptoms. I am still missing the System user authentication choice in the DBCompiler tool. 

  • Did you compare the installed files with your other 7.0.3 installation?

  • Hi Markus, Yes. There are many differences. I believe it is because of the different installation media. I am going to attempt to do a fresh installation using the M61 media, this won't be a migration, it will be a new install. Then I will compare files again. Thanks

  • Differences being the same DLL file has different byte counts.

  • What's of more interest is the number of files. Are some files missing in your environment showing the issue?

    Anyways, contacting support is always an option.

  • I will report in after I install from the M61 media. I already had a Sr opened on this topic and was turned down as they don't deal with m61 migrations and such. 

  • I was able to install a New 7.0.3 to a new empty DB. I then compared all files in the program directory and found two exceptions. These were expected: Install.Config and Uninstall.lnk. I am still seeing the symptom that the DBCompiler does not have the system user method for login. I also checked the Hot Fix for 7.0.3 and the fixes are supplied as Transport files for three scripts. I cannot install those until I am able to login. I am still awaiting my PSO person for advice. Any ideas are welcome. Thank You.  

  • Gm, I was able to talk to PSO  yesterday and one thing Mike shared is an insert that adds records as follows:

    insert into DialogProductHasAuthentifier
    (UID_DialogAuthentifier, UID_DialogProduct, XObjectKey, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated)
    (select UID_DialogAuthentifier from DialogAuthentifier where caption = 'System User'),
    (select UID_DialogProduct from QBMProduct where Ident_Product = 'Default'),
    'UID_DialogAuthentifier', (select UID_DialogAuthentifier from DialogAuthentifier where caption = 'System User'),
    'UID_DialogProduct',(select UID_DialogProduct from QBMProduct where Ident_Product = 'Default')),
    GetUTCDate(), GetUTCDate(),
    'YourSystemUser', '<YourSystemUser>'

    I figured that since the DBCompiler isn't listed as a DialogProduct that it could be included under the 'Default' entry.

    The question remains as to why the Migration didn't leave a healthy v7.0.3 but the above creates the System User method for authentication and I was able to get past the dbCompiler login. 

    However, Now I am getting this when trying to proceed with the compile:

    [810157] Migration version of this database is too old. This software needs at least migration version 2015.0008.0023.0020.

    This query looks at the value: select MigrationVersion from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = N'QBM'

    The same query run against a fresh v7.0.3 install ( non migration) reveals this value:


    Now back to the drawing board for this next issue...

    Have a great day!

  • Just two more things. Are you using the latest M61 module package from Support? Second, are you in contact with support about this?

  • Since I wasn't running the migration three times, I didn't read very carefully here, could have been the cause of this situation. I am performing some more migrations and working with PSO on a different issue at the moment. Thanks, Todd

  • Since I wasn't running the migration three times, I didn't read very carefully here, could have been the cause of this situation. I am performing some more migrations and working with PSO on a different issue at the moment. Thanks, Todd

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