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Cannot use system user login on DBCompiler after migration from v6.1.4 to v7.0.3.

Hi all,

My situation: Existing 1IM v6.1.4 Prod, MS SQL DB, currently testing building reference systems in order to practice migrating from v6.1.4 to v7.0.3 using some Professional Services help and tools. 

I wanted to see what a migrated system will look like so have performed a migration to v7.0.3. The migration was basically error free but any attempts to perform a compile cannot be done as the DBcompiler tool does not include the system user method in the Authentication Method list. The options are:  Active Directory user account (manual input/role based), Active Directory user account (role based), Employee (role based), Active Directory user account

So I cannot use any other tools until the DB is compiled and cannot compile because of this. I am awaiting a response from the busy PSO people and wondered if anyone had any ideas on this? 

Thanks, Todd Fendt 

  • I was able to install a New 7.0.3 to a new empty DB. I then compared all files in the program directory and found two exceptions. These were expected: Install.Config and Uninstall.lnk. I am still seeing the symptom that the DBCompiler does not have the system user method for login. I also checked the Hot Fix for 7.0.3 and the fixes are supplied as Transport files for three scripts. I cannot install those until I am able to login. I am still awaiting my PSO person for advice. Any ideas are welcome. Thank You.  

  • Gm, I was able to talk to PSO  yesterday and one thing Mike shared is an insert that adds records as follows:

    insert into DialogProductHasAuthentifier
    (UID_DialogAuthentifier, UID_DialogProduct, XObjectKey, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated)
    (select UID_DialogAuthentifier from DialogAuthentifier where caption = 'System User'),
    (select UID_DialogProduct from QBMProduct where Ident_Product = 'Default'),
    'UID_DialogAuthentifier', (select UID_DialogAuthentifier from DialogAuthentifier where caption = 'System User'),
    'UID_DialogProduct',(select UID_DialogProduct from QBMProduct where Ident_Product = 'Default')),
    GetUTCDate(), GetUTCDate(),
    'YourSystemUser', '<YourSystemUser>'

    I figured that since the DBCompiler isn't listed as a DialogProduct that it could be included under the 'Default' entry.

    The question remains as to why the Migration didn't leave a healthy v7.0.3 but the above creates the System User method for authentication and I was able to get past the dbCompiler login. 

    However, Now I am getting this when trying to proceed with the compile:

    [810157] Migration version of this database is too old. This software needs at least migration version 2015.0008.0023.0020.

    This query looks at the value: select MigrationVersion from QBMModuleDef where ModuleName = N'QBM'

    The same query run against a fresh v7.0.3 install ( non migration) reveals this value:


    Now back to the drawing board for this next issue...

    Have a great day!

  • Just two more things. Are you using the latest M61 module package from Support? Second, are you in contact with support about this?

  • Since I wasn't running the migration three times, I didn't read very carefully here, could have been the cause of this situation. I am performing some more migrations and working with PSO on a different issue at the moment. Thanks, Todd