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DPRProjectionStartInfo_Synchronization running for over 24 Hours

Hello All,

i have an issue with a Sync Process that has been running over 24 hours now.  Its our nightly sync from AD to OneIM.  we have it scheduled to run at night to bring in changes from one of our domain that is not managed thru oneIM.  i now have jobs from 2 days in Processing status... i am unable to end with any option... is there a way to kill these jobs as its holding other jobs on this particular job server?

One Identity Manager 8.0.1

All your help is greatly appreciated...

  • Hello,

    This is a domain that has never been synced?  Are you seeing that objects are being synced, as per the stdioprocessor log?

    I suggest to not kill this job as it can lead to data problems.

    Are the job server and database server meeting the system requirements?


  • Hello,

    This is a domain that has never been synced?  Are you seeing that objects are being synced, as per the stdioprocessor log?

    I suggest to not kill this job as it can lead to data problems.

    Are the job server and database server meeting the system requirements?


  • Hi Trevor,

    The domain was synced when we went live with the system and then set up a nightly sync a few weeks later.  This is our new domain that we will be moving to in near future.  This domain gets all the changes synced from the legacy domains that are managed thru OneIM.  Since its not a managed domain but we still provision to this domain thru oneIM, we want to make sure both systems are on same page on daily base...

    The Job servers meet the system requirement and able to communicate with out errors...