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New Configuration Parameter in V8 now forces a compile needed?


We've noticed in version 8 (8.0.2) that adding a new configuration parameter initiates a DB compile required, whereas version 7 did not.  Is there a way to disable this?


  • Does your new configuration parameter contain a set pre-processor condition?

    When did you observe this behavior, during transport or while creating it with the Designer?

  • We've noticed it both in an scripted process that creates a new configuration parameter, and also directly creating a brand new one in Designer

  • What about the question in regards to the pre-processor condition?

  • There weren't any pre-processor conditions added on the configuration parameter, if I only go and right-click add a new custom/TargetSystems/BLAH1 with value 1 and enable it, committing it to the database causes the compile...  I did not modify/add/remove any preprocessor conditions, although there appears to be many default ones checked... could it be inheriting it from the main "custom" level or "TargetSystems" level?

  • The preprocessor conditions will not be inherited. And as you have written, that you created the configuration parameter underneath "Custom" the ootb ones shouldn't be an issue at all.

    I am going to take a look at it.

    But I already found that some holes and timing issues in regards to transporting data containing configuration parameters, new tables, and typed wrapper scripts as well as in regards to configuration parameters have been fixed on the way to 8.0.2 so maybe that's the reason for the seen behavior.

  • As expected,  the change has to do with fixing some issues around compilation and transportation and was not only introduced in the 8.0 line but in the 7.1 line as well. The behavior cannot be customized.

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