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Calculate NextWorking Day - v8 method to replace v6 VI.AE.Customizer.Holiday.GetNextWorkDay

Hello 1IM community,

In previous versions of Identity Manager (v6) we used a method called "VI.AE.Customizer.Holiday.GetNextWorkDay" to calculate a working date based on 1IM standard working hours / days feature (e.g. to set a new ValidUntil on a PersonWantsOrg on a week day) as it is perform in standard for fields such as NextReminder or NextAutomaticDecision.

We cannot seem to find this method in V8.0.1 anymore.

Was it renamed ? If so, would you please provide us with the new name ?

If by any chance this method was no longer available, could you please refer to another method we could use for this purpose ?

Thank you,

Maxime HENRY

  • Can you post the current code snippet where you call the customizer method? I am trying to answer with the code to call the current v8 method. It is still called GetNextWorkDay but the customizers have changed completely.

  • Hello Markus,

    Thanks for your quick reply.

    See below the code we are trying to use to call this method (so far same code we used in v6).

    Value = "update PersonWantsOrg set ReasonHead = '[" & DateTime.Now.ToString & " - " & Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\Recertification\ActionsOnAbort\" & $FK(UID_AttestationPolicy).FK(UID_PWODecisionMethod).Ident_PWODecisionMethod$ & "\ActionReason" ).ToString.Replace("'","''") & "]',  " _

    & "ValidUntil = '" & VI.AE.Customizer.Holiday.GetNextWorkDay(Date.Now, CInt(Connection.GetConfigParm("Custom\Recertification\ActionsOnAbort\" & $FK(UID_AttestationPolicy).FK(UID_PWODecisionMethod).Ident_PWODecisionMethod$ & "\ActionParameter" ).ToString)).ToString & "' " _

    & "WHERE xObjectKey = '" & $ObjectKeyBase$ & "'"

  • Where are you using this code? (Template, Process Step...)

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