AdhocProjection works for Insert but not for Delete

I have a custom process on UNSAccountBinUNSGroupB that calls and runs Sync project workflow.

It works for Insert event.

I have another workflow for deletion with the same mapping just processing is set to just delete in target system.

I run the Process, synchronization is called but in the logs I do not see any action (no delete action).  It always tries Insert action!

How to set adhoc projection step to be able to delete object ? 

  • What version are you using?

    So, you are saying that you are having 2 AdHoc workflows in your synchronization project or did I get it all wrong?

  • version is 8.0.1

    Yes two different workflows ...I tried first with just one for Assignments and removal but because it did not worked I split it in to two! 

    If in processing I leave only DELETE when onject exists only in Target system nothing happens ....If I add also insert then I get insert. it must be a problem of execution.

    In Adhocprojection step I have set correct UID_DPRProjectionConfiguration (workflow) and UID_DPRSystemVariableSet (variable set).

    No matter what I do I always get INSERT in SYNC logs. 

  • Did you tried to use the events ASSIGN and REMOVE instead of INSERT and DELETE? For M:N tables these are the ones to go. In addition, what type of connector are you using? 

  • Yes I use Remove/Assign events as they are the only events on UNSAccountBinUNSGroupB. ...but I generate event Remove on an record, process is triggered, ADHocProjection runs but in the sync logs I get only Insert on none (detending on Processing setting in the workflow)

  • How can I tell the adhocprojection that this should be a delete execution method? 

  • Again, what type of connector are you using?

    In addition, can you post the CausingEntityPatch from the process step that does an insert instead of a delete?

  • I thinkYou are right. I see that object state in CausingEntityPatch for object deleted in UNSAccountBinUNSGroupB  is 

    <Data State="Loaded, PermissionBased" />

    ...observing normal action I see that state is 

    <Data State="Loaded, Deleted, ToDeletePhysical" />.

    I tried to "hardcode" the entity patch with Data state change to "Loaded, Deleted, ToDeletePhysical"  but it did not do anything again!

  • causing entity patch is bellow and connector is SAP CUA:

    This bellow runs , all looks OK but I still do not get the Delete Execution!

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Patch Display="900.00.SOL/Alfa Beta - TEST">
          <Data State="Loaded, Deleted, ToDeletePhysical" />
          <Op Columnname="RiskIndexCalculated" Type="Value" ValType="Double" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="UID_UNSAccountB" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="UID_UNSGroupB" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XDateInserted" Type="Value" ValType="Date" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XDateUpdated" Type="Value" ValType="Date" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XIsInEffect" Type="Value" ValType="Bool" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XMarkedForDeletion" Type="Value" ValType="Int" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XObjectKey" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XOrigin" Type="Value" ValType="Int" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XTouched" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
             <OldValue />
             <Value />
          <Op Columnname="XUserInserted" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XUserUpdated" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">

    (p.s. ...CODE insert tool for XML does not work on the site!)
  • causing entity patch is bellow and connector is SAP CUA:

    This bellow runs , all looks OK but I still do not get the Delete Execution!

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Patch Display="900.00.SOL/Alfa Beta - TEST">
          <Data State="Loaded, Deleted, ToDeletePhysical" />
          <Op Columnname="RiskIndexCalculated" Type="Value" ValType="Double" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="UID_UNSAccountB" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="UID_UNSGroupB" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XDateInserted" Type="Value" ValType="Date" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XDateUpdated" Type="Value" ValType="Date" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XIsInEffect" Type="Value" ValType="Bool" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XMarkedForDeletion" Type="Value" ValType="Int" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XObjectKey" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XOrigin" Type="Value" ValType="Int" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XTouched" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
             <OldValue />
             <Value />
          <Op Columnname="XUserInserted" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">
          <Op Columnname="XUserUpdated" Type="Value" ValType="String" AlreadyApplied="True">

    (p.s. ...CODE insert tool for XML does not work on the site!)