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Execute sql statement from within a script

Hi 1IM Gurus,

We have a template which refers to a custom script, which makes a call to a sequence on our 1IM DB to return a unique number:


To make this call we used the .net SQL client class:

Dim dbConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection

This included using a decryption method to pass in the DB connection parameters to setup the DB connection:


All worked fine in normal operation, however we have found if we attempt to load data via data loader which fired this template, an exception would be thrown.

It appears that the call to decrypt the DB connection string is executing locally and can not find the key to decrypt the connection string.

It there a way to execute an SQL statement via the existing Session or Connection object in a 1IM script, therefore removing the need to create an SQL Client?

  • It's strongly recommended against to run SQL statements inside of templates for several reasons (would not work via Application Server connection, ...) and there is no option to freely execute SQL statements via the session or connection object.

    But you may want to utilize the pre-defined SQL statements to call a stored procedure.

    How-to call a stored procedure from a script


    You need to retrieve some values from a custom stored procedure inside of a script in One Identity Manager.


    • The system will not give you direct access to the database.
    • The script has to be executed over an application server connection as well where no direct database connection exists.


    You can execute an SP with the help of the Predefined SQL statements introduced with version 7. This would even work when you are using an application-server connection to the Identity Manager database.

    The generic code snippet to use the results of the execution of a predefined SQL statement would look like the following.

    Dim runner = Session.Resolve(Of VI.DB.DataAccess.IStatementRunner)()
    Using reader = runner.SqlExecute("LimitedSqlIdOrUid", {
        While reader.Read()
            ' Do normal IDataReader stuff here
        End While
    End Using

    Steps to provide a Predefined SQL statement

    1. Create a predefined SQL statement in the Designer that is using the SP

    2. Assign a permission group to the predefined SQL statement that is allowed to use it

    3. Use the predefined SQL statement in your DialogScript
      Dim runner = Session.Resolve(Of VI.DB.DataAccess.IStatementRunner)()
      Using reader = runner.SqlExecute("CCC_getUser", {QueryParameter.Create("accountID"42)})
          While reader.Read()
              ' Do normal IDataReader stuff here
          End While
      End Using

  • Thanks and .

    Both excellent suggestions.  The pre-defined SQL statement did exactly what I was after, thanks!

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