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Synchronization using Native Database connector not recognising Datetime2(7) fields

Hi, We are having issues with a synchronization project using a native database connector, the target system will not show any fields that are Datetime2(7).

A few of the sql server database tables has many fields that are Datetime2(7) and when we connect to the tables using the synchronization editor those fields will not show up at all. We tried to troubleshoot this by creating a dummy table with a few fields as Datetime and a few as Datetime2(7). The fields that were just Datetime showed up but none of the Datetime2(7). We are unable to change the datatype on the target side as this is not in our control. 

Can someone please shed some light into this issue and if there is a workaround?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hi,

    Datetime2 is not at the moment supported through the Native Database connector. Please create a support ticket to get a solution for the problem. We have created a new case VPR#31741 for this.

    A Workaround would be to create views of the tables with Datetime2 fields and cast them to Datetime.

  • Hi,

    Datetime2 is not at the moment supported through the Native Database connector. Please create a support ticket to get a solution for the problem. We have created a new case VPR#31741 for this.

    A Workaround would be to create views of the tables with Datetime2 fields and cast them to Datetime.
