Migrating OneIM DB for upgrade to 8.1

Hi All, 

I am working with a customer to upgrade their installation to 8.1 (from 7.1.2).  To do so SQL had to be upgraded to 2016 and they chose to create a new server and migrate teh DB. 

Now the DB is on the new host, we are able to connect, and need to create the agent jobs. 

I found a guide here:  https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/kb/71158/migrating-a-database-to-a-new-sql-server That talk about doing so in v6. 

The guide states I should use the vi_CheckDefaultSchedules stored procedure to do so. However, that proceedure doesnt exist in v7 or v8.

Is there a replacement proceedure I should use instead of  vi_CheckDefaultSchedules and vid_CheckDefaultSchedules ?  If not what is the best route to populate the agent jobs?


Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    We have the same concern,

    We have version V7.1.1 of OIM and CAM  (windows 2012R, SQL server 2012 ) and want to install new servers (windows 2019, SQL server 2017) and new OIM 8.1 and CAM 8.1

    Can we do this and then migrate the databases (where we have many process and scripts) , the web apps etc ? IS this possible ?

