OneIdentity intergration with Servicenow open points

Dear all,

I am actually studying the integration of ServiceNow with OneIdentity and would like to share with you if some have such experience or done already something similar.

The idea is that OneIdentity have already a so called connector which works has below :
- You need to place a request from OneIdentity Portal IT shop (similar as servceNow service catalog)
- The requested is created in ServiceNow using REST API
- Once the ServiceNow request status change, then OneIdentity update its own internal request and the request can be then tracked from its open state until is closed state and by whom in case of validation approval has been initiate.

In such scenario the drawback is that request need to be initial from OneIdentiy, but in our case customer using any ITSM provider would like to keep the user portal they used to work with and use OneIdentity for audit operation.

So in our real scenario the idea would be to work in reverse as below :
- All request are initiate from ServiceNow portal
- The request is created at same time in OneIdentiy in order to be able to track the request

Problem :
The main issue with this approach is that we need to get the Servicenow Service catalog in Sync with OneIdentity It shop because request should refer same items

Does anyone can share possible integration process from ServiceNow to Oneidentity by having ServiceNow as the master ?

Thanks for help

  • I did not implement it for OneIdentity+ServiceNow but a lot of customers want the same.

    For me it looks pretty straightforward.

    To synchronize requestable 'products' you can
    1) have a scheduled job on ServiceNow side (OneIdentity provides a REST API that can be used to retrieve all necessary data)
    2) have a scheduled job on OneIdentity side (ServiceNow also provides a REST API that can be used to update data)

    Same with request creation in OneIdentity: either ServiceNow invokes OneIdentity REST API (you can create a custom endpoint if existing ones don't fit your requirements) or OneIdentity has a job that periodically retrieves new tickets from ServiceNow.



  • I did not implement it for OneIdentity+ServiceNow but a lot of customers want the same.

    For me it looks pretty straightforward.

    To synchronize requestable 'products' you can
    1) have a scheduled job on ServiceNow side (OneIdentity provides a REST API that can be used to retrieve all necessary data)
    2) have a scheduled job on OneIdentity side (ServiceNow also provides a REST API that can be used to update data)

    Same with request creation in OneIdentity: either ServiceNow invokes OneIdentity REST API (you can create a custom endpoint if existing ones don't fit your requirements) or OneIdentity has a job that periodically retrieves new tickets from ServiceNow.



  • Thanks for your reply.

    Yes of course there are API in both side, but lets imagine that I used ServiceNow as the master for portal catalog.

    1- I submit a request for a new computer

    2 - ServiceNow create a new Request which contains the Request Item ( A computer)

    From that I need to send the information to OneIdentity in order to be handle to track history. That would mean to :

    - Create the catalog Item in OneIdentity ( IShop : Computer)
    - Create the request with the computer has request Item

    Is this what you get in mind the way to proceed ?

    That means you are creating IShop Item on the fly and can result on items which do not exist anymore. What is the way to keep catalog in syn then ?


  • From that I need to send the information to OneIdentity in order to be handle to track history. That would mean to :

    - Create the catalog Item in OneIdentity ( IShop : Computer)
    - Create the request with the computer has request Item

    Yes, although it depends on your exact requirements. E.g. for AD groups and SAP roles it would make sense if OneIdentity is master system (it reads data from target systems and then ServiceNow dictionaries are populated based on OneIdentity manager data).