Attestation AutoRemoveMemberships not triggering custom process chain on DELETE object event


I have created a process chain that gets triggered by the "delete" Object event on records in "ADSAccountInADSGroup table.

If i use the object browser to delete the record from "ADSAccountInADSGroup" the process chain fires successfully and all working as expected, however when the "VI_AttestationCase_AutoRemoveMemberships" generates the delete statement that removes the record from "ADSAccountInADSGroup" my process chain does not fire.

Does anyone know why this is and how I can resolve the issue?

i have a sneaky suspicion it has something to do with the object layer deletion compared to sql statement deletion, but not sure.


Parents Reply
  • Let me try explain step-by-step to avoid confusion from my side

    1. XOrigin=1 on the "ADSAccountInADSGroup" record 
    2. Attestation case gets denied via web portal
    3. VI_Attestation_AttestatioCase_AutoRemoveMemberships runs
    4. XOrigin=0 on the "ADSAccountInADSGroup" 
    5. Created by QBMDBQueueProcess: delete in table ADSAccountInADSGroup runs
    6. Result
      1. My Process chain does not fire. 
    7. Expected Result
      1. My process chain should start because i configured it to kick off on "delete" event of ADSAccountInADSGroup 

    If i manually delete the record from ADSAccountInADSGroup (via object browser at the same time as step 5) my process chain starts successfully

    hope that makes sense :)
