Does One IM supports password policy to allow user to change password after first login

We have a requirement to enforce user to change password after logging with the one time password.Please suggest if this functionality is available out of the box or can be achieved using Password Reset portal.

Parents Reply
  • First, you cannot log in with the central password. If you want to force a user to change a password using "AD manual input/role-based", then the user will have to log into AD somewhere else (Windows PC for example) (assuming you have set UserMustChangePassword for the AD User).

    If you want to use the employee-based authenticator, you would have to customize something in the web portal as the system itself has nothing ootb. As a rough idea, the web portal could check for a specific value at the person that will only be set if the password has been changed by the user and if not it presents you a page where the user can set the password.

    Or, you stop using initial passwords at all and rely on the temporary passcode.

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