Q1IM - How to update customporperty on Person from within Script


Currently having to do a bit of a work around because we update PersonnelNumber on the Person table at a later date than when we setup a users access. So we need to essentially set a flag on CustomProperty10 (just text, e.g. "SAPSENT") when the Personnel number is updated and if they have SAP resources.

Currently my script works via a template so when PersonnelNumber is changed it checks if the user has the right resources and sends an email. The last part, where I need to set the flag, I can't seem to get working. I've listed the full script below. Can anyone provide the VB needed to update the Person record (via the UIDPerson) and set the CustomProperty10?

Public Function ST_Detect_SAP(ByVal Firstname As String, ByVal Lastname As String, ByVal CentralAccount As String, ByVal PersonnelNumber As String, ByVal UIDPerson As String) As String
	Dim strMessage As String = String.Empty
	Dim strResTmp As String = String.Empty

	' Check the employee number length
	If (PersonnelNumber.Length > 5 And PersonnelNumber.Length <= 10) Then
		Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter

        ' Load column
        Dim colPersonHasResourceTotal As IColDbObject = Connection.CreateCol("PersonHasRessourceTotal")
        colPersonHasResourceTotal.Prototype.WhereClause = f.Comparison("UID_Person", UIDPerson, ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal, FormatterOptions.None)

        ' Look through resources for SAP resource
        If colPersonHasResourceTotal.Count > 0 Then
            For Each elem As IColElem In colPersonHasResourceTotal
                strResTmp = elem.Create().ObjectWalker.GetValue("FK(UID_ressource).Ident_ressource").String
                If strResTmp.StartsWith("SAP_") Then
                    strMessage &= strResTmp & vbCRLF
					' Send email for test
					VID_SendMail("Quest.NoReply@domain.co.uk", "vaughan.slater@domain.com", PersonnelNumber, strMessage)
					Exit For
                End If
        End If
	End If
	ST_Detect_SAP = PersonnelNumber
End Function

I essentially either want to use some built in Quest function to SET CustomProperty10 -> "SAPSENT" or via SQL.

Any help is appreciated! I've tried a number of different methods I've been able to find by other people but none have worked..

