IT Shop Search version 8.1.1


I have two web servers, configured with  with LB configuration.
I configured both the web servers with APP Server.
When I try to do search and below is the error message.
The same error message (Regardiung Entitlements) was a bug in earlier version and this is sorted out in version 8.1.1 as per release notes.
Web server error:
Please advice me.
Parents Reply Children
  • According to the release notes, defect 31638 is fixed in 8.1.1. The error that you have does not coincide with this defect. This defect was specifically for when viewing the entitlements for an Employee for any organizational roles it would give an error. In your case, you just do a search. The application log, in my opinion, has to have some sort of information into what happened here. 

  • Hi Markus/Troy,

    Please find the below error and logs when I try to hit the search on web portal.
    IIS Authentication is set to only with Anonymous and I tried with ApplicationPoolIdentity, Service Account (Admin) and IUSR.
