Potential SQL injection attack by brute-force querying the rest api

Hi ,

(reedited after more testing)

In v8.1 we're querying the rest api server as shown:

POST /AppServer/api/entities/Person?limit=15&displaycolumns=CCC_NIF;CentralAccount

Content-Type: application/json

{ "where": "CentralAccount like '%usuario%'"}
but the AppServer is considering this a potential sql injection attack and adds a time penalty to every sucesive query, thus making the access nearly impossible:
"2019-12-16 09:49:49.8124 WARN (ObjectLog c3b242f1-8b87-4e2b-ac2b-8671daa05e48) : Potential SQL injection attack, adding time penalty of 00:00:02.0940000, WHERE clause: CentralAccount like '%usuario%'"
At first I thought it was related to a complex where query, but this one couldnt be simpler. If I remove the "like" operator then it works just fine. I dont know if this is a response sent from the sqlserver or the Appserver. Could I turn off this checking?