Using the SCIM/REST connector - v8

Hi All,

I'm trying to get a basic grasp of how the SCIM/REST connector works using the sync editor

I have made a dummy REST web service and hosted it on an IIS server. The WS is working fine, I can send GET and POST requests etc to it. There is no authentication (i.e. only anonymous auth is enabled in IIS) on the service

When I try to configure this in the SCIM connector, the test connection always returns "Failed" without any details of the error message.

My WS is at

When configuring this in the connector, I put 

Server DNS name / URL:

URI: myapplication/api/users

Authentiction: Basic

Even though the API is open to everyone in the domain, I added my own AD credentials in the authentication data fields, but the test always shows failed. I also tried with NTLM authentication

Any suggestions?



PS: I also tried b enabling basic authentication only on the web service in IIS but same results (i.e. Test failed)