Import csv - FileNotFoundException

Hello mates,

I'm trying to import a csv through "LaunchPad>CSV Connector > Data import"

When I go to view the JobQueue the process is "FROZEN" and log gives me the next error:

[1777292] Error connecting system (CSV Connector)!

[System.IO.FileNotFoundException] C:\Users\USER\Desktop\FOLDER\FOLDER\FILE.csvsysI

I dont know what could be the problem, I'm really lost.

Please anybody knows about this error or could help me.

Thank you in advance.

Top Replies

  • C:\Users\USER\Desktop\FOLDER\FOLDER\FILE.csvsysI

    Two things with this path. First, it looks like this is a path local to your workstation and not to your Job Service. You need to ensure that the job Service can access the CSVSYS file and the CSV.

    Secondly, there seems to be a typo at the end of the path. The trailing l shouldn't be there, shouldn't it?

  • Hello and thank you Markus I really appreciate your quick answer.

    The end of he path it's ok in my document, the final 'l' was my mistake while I type the question.

    Yes, its a local path but I dont know how to add this file to the  Job Service. How could I give acces to my CSVSYS and CSV to the Job Sever.

    Thank you on more time.

  • You either put the files on a share accessible by the workstation (for using Synchronization Editor) and the Job Service, or you copy it to a location of choice on the Job Service and change the variable in your synchronization project to the location of choice after you have tested your project with the Synchronization Editor.

    I'll prefer the first method.

  • You either put the files on a share accessible by the workstation (for using Synchronization Editor) and the Job Service, or you copy it to a location of choice on the Job Service and change the variable in your synchronization project to the location of choice after you have tested your project with the Synchronization Editor.

    I'll prefer the first method.
