Attestor-specific report as message body

We currently have a attestor notification process that:

  1. Identifies an attestor with pending attestation approvals
  2. Executes a script to generate a message body containing a summary table of number of pending approvals per policy for the attestor
  3. Sends the email with the generated message

I've seen that it is possible to define a mail template that uses a report as the message body, which seems to me a more OotB solution. I would like to do the following:

  1. Identifies an attestor with pending attestation approvals
  2. Executes a process to send mail using a mail template with a report, and have a report parameter pick up the identity of the attestor and filter the report data appropriately 

I may be missing something as the mail template knows the attestor's identity, but I can't pass it to the report. I think I could do this by generating a parameter set/report subscription for each identity, but that doesn't feel like an improvement.

Does anyone have an alternative solution for passing the identity to the mail template's report.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Craig,

    what you might have missed is to set the ParameterSet in the rich-mail template- You can pick the ParameterSet of a DialogReport as well.

    If your report has one parameter, fix is fine, then at the process step you have to set ParameterName1 to the name of the parameter name in the report definition and ParameterValue1 to the value you need to use in your report.

    I've done that for the ootb VI_Attestation_AERole report and it worked. Here some screens to help you out.
