MakeDecision job stuck in "processed" state.

recently was found that all makedecision jobs just stuck in processing state and nothing happens.
All other jobs successfuly executes and there is no isReset in dbqueue. Which means that object layer don't see any "contested" operations.
Meanwhile in database executing statements (makedecision) was blocked by one single statement, the head blocker always this one:
select 1 where exists (select 1 from PWOHelperPWO where ((UID_PersonWantsOrg = '[PWO UID here]') and (isnull(UID_PersonInsteadOf, '') = '') and ( Not isnull(UID_PersonInsteadOf, N'') = N'') and (LevelNumber = 7)))
This database session was fall into "sleeping" state and there is no further movement.
MS "caused by" according blocked sessions is:
* cancelled query was not rolled back;
* orphaned transaction;
* wrong locking;
* long time executing trn.
I don't think that this query could take to execute more than few seconds. So, my guess here is could be something in table locking.
Has anyone faced with something similar? Will be appreciate for any suggestions.