SAP CUA - Base Administration Template ALE Clients not synced

Hi fellow experts,

Trust everyone is safe and healthy.

Quick question, I have a SAP R/3 Connector connecting to our SAP CUA using the Base Administration template in Read-only mode.

When I browse the target system using target system browser at SAP side, I can see that User, Roles, profiles etc are belong to a SUBSYSTEM which are mapped to SAPMandant at OneIM side.

However most of them belong to SUBSYSTEM which are not in Mandant, but rather in ALE, which are the SAP Systems managed by SAP CUA system. The ALE systems/Clients are not inserted in OneIM by the default template hence those users, roles are never synchronized as well and only the CUA client's users, roles and profiles are inserted in OneIM during Synchronization.

How can I import those ALE Systems as SAPMandant so that the Users and Roles in those SAP Systems can be synchorized as well?

Version: 8.1.

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Stay Safe,


Parents Reply Children
  • Yes, I've selected the CUA instance option during the initial Connection wizard.

    However, after reading the link you've provided I believe I'm suppose to connect to all other SAP Systems before hand and import them as Child system. I think this is what I've missed. Kindly confirm.

    So now at this point, can I connect to other systems and add them child systems, and then re-execute the CUA instance's synchronization, it should map the user,  roles, etc correctly? Kindly Confirm.

  • Honestly, I do not know the exact answer. But after reading I assume that you have to create the CUA Client systems manually. Yes.

    If you need further help I suggest contacting support.