New Installation - Error when trying to commit to database

Our organization is new to One Identity Manager, and I am installing the application and configuring some simple use cases in a local VM to help us learn the process and become more familiar with the solution.

After completing the installation of One Identity Manager and the One Identity Manager Database, I created the system user and attempted to commit to the database, at which point I got the following error:

Object with key <Key><T>QBMServerHasServerTag</T><P>E39862DD-FC6B-4526-99FE-D5AD3E61624B</P><P>DPR-Connector-CSV</P></Key> does not exist in database or you do not have the relevant  viewing permissions.

Error during execution of statement: insert into QBMServerHasServerTag (UID_QBMServer, UID_QBMServerTag, xdateinserted, xuserinserted, xdateupdated, xuserupdated, xobjectkey) values ('E39862DD-FC6B-4526-99FE-D5AD3E61624B', 'DPR-Connector-CSV', GetUTCDate(), N'viadmin', GetUTCDate(), N'viadmin', '<Key><T>QBMServerHasServerTag</T><P>E39862DD-FC6B-4526-99FE-D5AD3E61624B</P><P>DPR-Connector-CSV</P></Key>')

Database error 2627: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__QBMServe__6112288017873AB3'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.QBMServerHasServerTag'. The duplicate key value is (DPR-Connector-CSV, E39862DD-FC6B-4526-99FE-D5AD3E61624B).

The statement has been terminated.

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__QBMServe__6112288017873AB3'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.QBMServerHasServerTag'. The duplicate key value is (DPR-Connector-CSV, E39862DD-FC6B-4526-99FE-D5AD3E61624B).

I thought this might indicate that the system user already exists from the database installation, but when I attempt to login with the system user cccAdmin I get an error 'wrong username or password.'

I hope someone might be able to help me get past this, as I am probably making a fairly simple mistake here but being new to the application I'm not sure what that is.

Thanks in advance,


Parents Reply
  • Thank you for your replies - I'll reply to both of your messages here.

    This is a brand new installation, I have not setup any connectors yet. I'm working with version 8.1 SP1

    Regarding the job servers, here I'm also not trying to add a job server at all. I simply created the system user and chose to commit to the database.
