Object could not be saved because ADSDomain could not be detected


I want to create some groups to ensure that my connection with the domain is correct, the problem is that when I create objects (users, groups, etc.) through One Identity Manager and I am getting the following error. The domains are correctly mapped (with the default AD connector) and I do not understand why I am not able to create new objects through Manager. I did this task several times in other environments and it worked right.

[1025012] Object (Test Group) could not be saved!

[810306] Error during execution of 'OnGenerate' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.EventsEntityLogic'.

[810103] Error generating processes for event Insert.

[810222] Error executing script 'Event_Insert'.

[810108] Error generation process step event INSERT.

[810109] Error generating process ADS_ADSGroup_Insert.

[810155] Error executing prescript.

Connection information for <Key><T>ADSDomain</T><P>7d376b85-9b96-48a6-9c1f-33f8392457b3</P></Key> could not be detected.

     at DynScripts.JobGen_ADSGroup_nfG1YE3r9Hvmo6kbwaQGtWwwD14.Chain_ADS_ADSGroup_Insert(JobGenContext context, String EventName)

     at DynScripts.ProductScripts_nfG1YE3r9Hvmo6kbwaQGtWwwD14.DPR_GetAdHocData(String rootObjectKey, String targetSystemType, String targetSystemVersion, String operationName, IEntity baseObject)

     at DynScripts.ProductScripts_nfG1YE3r9Hvmo6kbwaQGtWwwD14.DPR_GetRootObjConnectionInfoData(String rootObjectKey, String targetSystemType, String targetSystemVersion)

     at VI.Projector.Database.ProjectorConfigurationService.Get[T](String key, Func`1 factory)

     at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)

     at VI.Projector.Database.ProjectorConfigurationService.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.<Get>b__0(String x)

     at DynScripts.ProductScripts_nfG1YE3r9Hvmo6kbwaQGtWwwD14._Closure$__10._Lambda$__19()


Thanks in advance.

  • What version of Identity Manager are you using? It sounds like you are running into defect 29847 which is fixed in versions 8.1 and above. This fix is not available for versions lower than 8.1. To workaround the issue you could do a full compile, open Designer then click on Database > Compile database. Ensure to select Scripts including all dependencies on the Compilation settings screen to invoke a full compile. 

  • What version of Identity Manager are you using? It sounds like you are running into defect 29847 which is fixed in versions 8.1 and above. This fix is not available for versions lower than 8.1. To workaround the issue you could do a full compile, open Designer then click on Database > Compile database. Ensure to select Scripts including all dependencies on the Compilation settings screen to invoke a full compile. 

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