Indirect Assignments of System Entitlements to Business Roles by System Roles


I observe a strange behaviour on indirect assignments of System Entitlements to Business Roles (OrgHasUNSGroupB) in One Identity Manager 8.1.2 compared to the old system as 6.1.4


1. Create a System Role (ESet)

2. Create and Assign a System Entitlement to this System Role (ESetHasEntitlement -> UNSGroupB)

3. Create and Assign a Busines Role to the System Role (OrgHasESet)

In both versions the Role Class (OrgRoot) does not allow an assignment of System Entitlements, neither direct nor indirect.

My Observation:

In 6.1.4 the System Entitlement was assigned to the Business Role which was assigned to the System Role with the System Entitlement Assignment (OrgHasUNSGroupBTotal Entry with viInherite = 2 indirect)

In 8.1.2 there is no System Entitlement assignment to the Business Role at all. I had expected an OrgHasUNSGroupB Entry with XOrigin = Indirect assignment

Does the system behaviour has changed in 8.1.2 compared to 6.1.4 or did I missed something, maybe a config parameter I didn't noticed?

The configuration looks good to me (also in comparison to to the old 6.1.4 system).

Any helpful answers are welcome. Many Thanks.

Parents Reply Children
  • As far as I know, the ESetSplitting is done on the entitlement level, regardless if the entitlement is coming from a child system role or not.

  • That is clear to me, however what I mean is actually the following scenario:

    - ESet1 is assigned directly to business role Org1 (OrgHasEset with XOrigin = 1)

    - ESet1 contains ESet2 as direct assignment in ESetHasEntitlement

    With the configuration parameter activated, is it to be expected that no OrgHasEset entry for the indirect assignment Eset2 to Org1 being created? As this is now the case for OrgHasUNSGroup.

  • As I have said before, OrgHasESet will not change if NoESetSplitting is activated just the inheritance of the (other) entitlements.

    SAMPLE 1

    An EsetA has as an entitlement QERResourceA (ESetHasEntitlement):



    BaseTreeHasESet (BaseTreeX, EsetA) and

    BaseTreeHasQERResource (BaseTreeX, QERResourceA)



    BaseTreeHasESet (BaseTreeX, EsetA)


    SAMPLE 2

    If an ESet A has another ESet B as entitlement then this assignment will appear in BaseTreehasESet.

    EsetA has EsetB as an entitlement (ESetHasEntitlement):



    BaseTreeHasESet (BaseTreeX, EsetA) and

    BaseTreeHasESet (BaseTreeX, EsetB)



    BaseTreeHasESet (BaseTreeX, EsetA) and

    BaseTreeHasESet (BaseTreeX, EsetB)