32-bit AccountUIDs in UNXAccount not supported

Most modern Linux distributions allow for 32-bit UIDs, which places the maximum at just shy of 4.3 billion, or 10 digits in length.  Currently I'm trying to setup a connector between OID 8.1.1 and RHEL 8.  Our company uses the 2,000,000 to 6,000,000 UID range (7 digits) and assigns the UID to the person.  There is a custom integer field on the Person table (CCC_uidNumber) and the user's UID is stored there.  The template for the AccountUID field in the UNXAccount table utilizes the CCC_uidNumber if it's there.  However, it appears the AccountUID field is a string field set to a length of 5, so when a UID is copied from CCC-uidNumber to AccountUID, only the first 5 digits are brought over.  For example the value of 1234567 in the CCC_uidNumber field becomes 12345 in the AccountUID field.

Is there a way to modify the AccountUID field to either be an integer field or update the string field to be a length of 10?  If not, I'd have to create a custom attribute on the UNXAccount table.  Assuming I did that, what is the best method for updating the insert such that it uses this field for the UID in the target system instead of the AccountUID field?  Changing the Property mapping rules under the Mappings of the synchronization configuration would address this, correct?

Parents Reply
  • After digging into this a bit more, there was a custom limit set via the schema editor, which was then reflected in the schema extension wizard, that was in place due to a past system which could only handle 5 characters.  This then raises the question of what happens when a field max length is set in the schema editor.  If I set a max length, does the schema editor alter the underlying database or is this a field filter that's applied at the object level?
