Custom ObjectCollection_Department -> Fields

Hi everyone!

I hope someone can help me with that because I´m getting crazy already... hehe.

So, when I want to select a new recipient (UID_Person), a pop up is displayed with the fields defined by VI_ObjectCollection_Person_Fields. 

I did exactly the same with the table "Department" because I want to select a Company and I would like to display a specific fields in the POP-Up.

Well I created my CCC_ObjectColletion_Department and my ColumList CCC_ObjectCollection_Department_Fields (exactly like with Person) but the pop-up does not display my fields defined in CCC_ObjectCollection_Department_Fields. 

You can see through my screenshots what I mean.

I wrote to One Identity Support and this was their answer:

"You would need an object dependent reference within the project to link a component to a certain object type."

Any idea where I can do that? 

thank you very much in advance!

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