Powershell Connector ListingCommand

Is there any way to import objects using the Powershell connector with just the ListingCommand and not the full CommandSequence? The API I am connecting to have one command to list all data from all users and one command to list all data from a specific user. During synchronization with the code below, I am first opening a connection to get a list of all the users, then one connection for each users to import all the data. With several thousand users this is causing a lot of unnecessary connections if there is a way to collect all the data by only using the Get-AllUsers command.

    Definition of a schema class 'user'
    <Class Name="User">
            <!-- ID -->
            <Property Name="ID" DataType="String" IsUniqueKey="true" IsMandatory="true" IsAutoFill="true">
                    <Bind CommandResultOf="Get-AllUsers" Path="id" />
                    <Bind CommandResultOf="Get-UserById" Path="id" />
                    <Bind CommandResultOf="New-User" Path="id" />
                    <Map ToCommand="Get-UserById" Parameter="userID"/>
                    <Map ToCommand="Update-UserById" Parameter="userID"/>
                    <Map ToCommand="Remove-UserById" Parameter="userID"/>
                    <Map ToCommand="Enable-UserById" Parameter="userID"/>
            <!-- email -->
            <Property Name="Email" DataType="String" IsDisplay="true" IsMandatory="true" IsUniqueKey="true">
                    <Bind CommandResultOf="Get-AllUsers" Path="email" />
                    <Bind CommandResultOf="Get-UserById" Path="email" />
                    <Map ToCommand="New-User" Parameter="email"/>
                    <Map ToCommand="Update-UserById" Parameter="email"/>
                    <ModBy Command="New-User" />
                    <ModBy Command="Update-UserById" />
            <!-- Several other properties -->

            <ListingCommand Command="Get-AllUsers">
                <Item Command="Get-UserById" Order="1" >

            <!--Insert, Update, Delete-->