How can I manually reset the state of a full sync job in the Sync Editor

I had some issue with one synchronization project and it was failing for more than 15 days consecutively. I fixed the issue and ended all the sync jobs which were in frozen state in the job queue info (continue with error).

However, new sync job was still failing with the error "Cannot start full sync because the same full sync is still running". When I checked the synchronization logs in the Sync Editor, one sync job was in the "Running" state, although it was already ended from the job queue.

How can I change the state of this rogue full sync to "Failed"? I am using version 8.0.2 of Identity Manager.

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Niels,

    I can't see the reset button even if i restart the sync editor, my version is 9.1.1.

    I already deleted the LastStart value but the job is still running, in the job queue i now have an error if i try to run any startup configuration(not only of the sync project that is running but everyone), the error is the following: [System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception] The system cannot find the file specified.
