AttestationCase and ReducedApproverCalculation config parameter

Hi All,

I'm using Attestation functionality from OneIdentity v8.1 and I would like to recalculate approvers for open attestation cases when the employee's manager is being re-assign. Obviously employee's manager is a valid approver for the Attestation Policy.

From the documentation, I read about ReducedApproverCalculation config parameter and I enabled it and leaved the default (No) which means "Recalculate all approval steps".

I have two open attestation case waiting for the employee's manager to approve and when I changed the employee's manager to be somebody else, nothing happens. There is no recalculation. Also I even tried with Current Level and nothing.

am I missing something? do not know if those recalculation will be triggered by a Schedule? 

thanks in advanced.


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Markus,

    I'm using custom approval procedures. For example, to calculate employee's manager is like this:

    Select UID_Person,null as UID_PWORulerOrigin from Person where UID_Person in (
    	SELECT DISTINCT ISNULL(Delegations.UID_PersonReceiver, PMG.UID_Person) AS UID_Person 
    	FROM (
    		--Get the direct supervisor
    		SELECT DISTINCT E.UID_PersonHead AS UID_Person
    		FROM AttestationCase AC
    		INNER JOIN Person E --Employee
    			ON AC.ObjectKey1 = E.XObjectKey
    			AC.UID_AttestationCase = @UID_AttestationCase
    			AND E.UID_Person <> E.UID_PersonHead
    	) PMG
    	LEFT JOIN (
    			SELECT D.UID_PersonReceiver, D.UID_PersonSender, HHP.UID_Person
    			FROM Delegation D
    			INNER JOIN HelperHeadPerson HHP
    				ON D.ObjectKeyDelegated = HHP.XObjectKey
    			WHERE D.OrderState = 'Assigned'
    			) Delegations
    	ON PMG.UID_Person = Delegations.UID_PersonSender 
    	--AND PMG.UID_PersonInserted = Delegations.UID_Person
    And isinActive =0

    But based on your comment, I changed  the approval step to use the Predefined: "CM - Recipient's manager" and now the approvers is being recalculated ok
