v8.0 - Question about some dbqueue tasks

HI Experts

We have two quite troublesome dbqueue tasks which appear then stay there for ages, blocking everything else. There are not warnings in Dialogjournal related to them, they just keep going in reset and the count never decreases - infact, after some time we get a warnings in journal saying STOP Too many slots are dead

The tasks in question are:

- IT Shop meet approvals automatically (5000 entries)

- Recalculate approvers (3000 entries)

To get around, for now, I have set the config parm for reduced approver calculation to NoCalculation, but as soon as I unset this these tasks show up. There are a few PWOs waiting for approval in the system, and no frozen jobs.

My question then is, what do these dbqueue tasks signify? When are they generated? 



  • Hi,

    I won't get into what each task is and what it does, but basically we can see that there are IT Shop requests, they require approvals.  These are being generated by the DBQueue tasks.

    You can find these tasks, and their respective stored procedures, in the table QBMDBQueueTask.

    This is quite normal and expected, so the issue is more along the lines of: what are these tasks taking so long to process?

    Are you running version 8.0?  Or are you at a higher SP level, i.e. 8.0.1 or 8.0.2?

    The issue may be that the database performance is such that the tasks take time to process.  Or perhaps there are jobs in the job queue that are holding things up.  Perhaps a combination of the two.

    There have been improvements is performance with later versions, e.g. 8.1.x.  In your case I'd suggest to go to the latest SP, 8.0.4.  32220 is one enhancement in this area: "Improved performance making approval decisions for request and attestations in the Web Portal ."

    Take a look at your database as well: are there improvements that can be made in terms of RAM and CPU?  Missing indexes or fragmentation?

    The following outlines some areas to look at: https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/kb/201696/troubleshooting-performance-issues.

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi,

    I won't get into what each task is and what it does, but basically we can see that there are IT Shop requests, they require approvals.  These are being generated by the DBQueue tasks.

    You can find these tasks, and their respective stored procedures, in the table QBMDBQueueTask.

    This is quite normal and expected, so the issue is more along the lines of: what are these tasks taking so long to process?

    Are you running version 8.0?  Or are you at a higher SP level, i.e. 8.0.1 or 8.0.2?

    The issue may be that the database performance is such that the tasks take time to process.  Or perhaps there are jobs in the job queue that are holding things up.  Perhaps a combination of the two.

    There have been improvements is performance with later versions, e.g. 8.1.x.  In your case I'd suggest to go to the latest SP, 8.0.4.  32220 is one enhancement in this area: "Improved performance making approval decisions for request and attestations in the Web Portal ."

    Take a look at your database as well: are there improvements that can be made in terms of RAM and CPU?  Missing indexes or fragmentation?

    The following outlines some areas to look at: https://support.oneidentity.com/identity-manager/kb/201696/troubleshooting-performance-issues.

    Hope this helps.


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