Azure AD Sync Project: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.

Can't getting the sync working for connecting to Azure AD.

What could i possibly do wrong?

I followed the docs in adding the necessary API permission.

But still getting the error below.

FYI: it happens during setting up the sync project at the point where you connect to Azure AD.

[System.Exception] [ServiceException]: Code: Authorization_RequestDenied - Message: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.

[Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException] Code: Authorization_RequestDenied
Message: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.

Inner error

at VI.UI.Wizards.Wizard._HandlePageFinished(IWizardPage page)
at VI.Projector.UI.Wizards.SystemConnectWizardPage.TestConnection(ISystemConnectorDescriptor descriptor, String connectionString, Boolean throwExceptionOnError)

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