Failed to reference Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos package library in One Identity Scripts


We have a requirement to integrate with Azure Cosmos DB from OneIdentity. Couple of options to integrate:

1.  ADO.NET client which requires a third-party provider like CDATA.

2. Microsoft .Net library for Cosmos 

We have decided to proceed with option 2 due to internal reasons. While trying to use DLLs in the One Identity scripts, it is throwing error stating missing dependencies:

Steps taken:

1. Import DLLs using software loader into One Identity Database

2. Reference namespace in the the scripts to consume methods


Reference required to assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' containing the type '[Object]'. Add one to your project.

Please suggest what is the best way to import package? Would appreciate any help on this?

Parents Reply
  • Thing is, that we are not using the System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions library so you would need to add this libary and other potential dependencies of the Azure Cosmos package as well that are not part of the One Identity Manager 8.1.3 version to the system using the Software Loader.

    What I normally do is to use the System Debugger to create my script in Visual Studio, add the NuGet package there to get all DLL dependencies and then add these DLLs using the SoftwareLoader.
