Scheduled attestation run


I have just created a new attestation policy with an associated schedule, both are enabled. I have tested the attestation policy from Manager, with the Run attestation cases for single objects option and everything is correct. Now, I have a problem when I try to run the attestation through the schedule: the schedule runs but no attestation policy is launched.

The message that I see in trace is the following:

2020-11-04 14:05:23.7873 INFO (ObjectLog 63268e17-bde8-4bae-a8c9-99d65eac7a08) : User Service Account (Dialog user: sa, X fields: sa) authenticated.
2020-11-04 14:05:23.7873 INFO (Jobservice ) : VI.JobService.JobComponents.HandleObjectComponent - EB86AFB3-E195-4220-BAD1-E7104D8C8897: Successful
    Method CreateAttestations was called for 0 object(s) of type AttestationPolicy
what am I missing? Could you help me with this issue?


  • Hi,

    You haven't stated which version you are using but I'm going to assume it's V7.0 or higher.

    First question .... does your attestation policy overview show a list of attestation objects? e.g.

    If it doesn't .... which I suspect it doesn't since your attestation run resulted in 0 objects, you need to run the process to calculate the attestation objects. (This process, by default, runs once a day at 7am)

    You can do this from here in Designer:

    Right mouse click > Execute.

    After the process has run, check your attestation policy overview (refresh) and check if there are attestation objects listed.

    If yes, then your full attestation campaign should run for those objects.  If no, then your policy query does not target any data.

    Hope it helps, Barry.

  • Thank you Barry.

    - I'm using v8.1.

    - I see my list of attestation objects correctly from the attestation policy overview just as you said.

    - If I use  Run attestation cases for single objects, it works correctly with each of the list of attestation.

    - The schedule associated to the attestation policy is enabled an runs every 5 minutes. It is launched, but does not execute the expected attestations.

    - The jobservice.log:

    2020-11-05 11:00:14.2997 INFO (Jobservice ) : VI.JobService.JobComponents.HandleObjectComponent - 1D61C95A-FB5D-4B83-AA8F-67265CF8C89D: Successful
        Method CreateAttestations was called for 0 object(s) of type AttestationPolicy.

    where can I find the CreateAttestations method?

    I have created the same attestation policy in my OneIM laboratory and the schedule works fine. It seems that there are no differences between the two environments.


  • Hi,

    Open ObjectBrowser and select the table AttestationPolicy .... in the result list select your policy. Right mouse click > Properties. Select the Methods tab ..... in the Method drop down you will see the CreateAttestations methods.

    If are trying to run your attestation policy from the schedule ...... and it's not working ..... please check the schedule ...... does it have valid values for StartDate, LastRun and NextRun .... is it enabled?

    HTH, Barry.

  • Hi,

    Open ObjectBrowser and select the table AttestationPolicy .... in the result list select your policy. Right mouse click > Properties. Select the Methods tab ..... in the Method drop down you will see the CreateAttestations methods.

    If are trying to run your attestation policy from the schedule ...... and it's not working ..... please check the schedule ...... does it have valid values for StartDate, LastRun and NextRun .... is it enabled?

    HTH, Barry.

  •  thank Barry, do you see anything wrong in this schedule? Regards

  • Error uploading images

    The schedule has the option enabled CHECKED and correct values for the StarDate, LastRun and NextRun.


  • Hi,

    Well it's certainly odd ......

    Assuming you have the permissions you could try using this SQL to fire the attestation campaign and see if it creates cases:

    Declare @procid varchar(38)

    select @procid= newid()

    Declare @objkeys dbo.QBM_YParameterList

    exec dbo.QBM_PJobCreate_HOCallMethod 'AttestationPolicy','UID_AttestationPolicy =''<your att policy uid>''',@save=1,@GenProcID=@procid,@ObjectKeysAffected=@objkeys,@methodname='CreateAttestations'

    Or you could use this exec command to fire the schedule:

    Declare @procid varchar(38)

    select @procid= newid()

    Declare @objkeys dbo.QBM_YParameterList

    exec dbo.QBM_PJobCreate_HOCallMethod 'DialogSchedule','UID_DialogSchedule = ''<your schedule uid>''',@save=1,@GenProcID=@procid,@ObjectKeysAffected=@objkeys,@methodname='StartNow'

    Perhaps the jobs that are generated may give some clue as to why it's not working.

    Other than that I'm out of ideas.

    HTH, Barry.