Auto Approve - Core interference

Hello Team,

I am doing migration of standalone IDaaS instance to the main instance.

I have experienced few problems while doing migration in lower environments and the major one seems to be below.

These 2 confg params were enabled in IDaaS Instance so auto approval is happening without any issues.

QER\ITShop\AutoDecision          True      AllStepsNoJump       

QER\ITShop\DecisionOnInsert     True      1     

Where as in Main instance we are generating a PWO/request whenever user changes name /location and asking the user to approver.

As requestor and approver is same here we have disabled the above 2 config params in main instance.

Can you help me with the feasible solution on how to enable the config PARAM's without affecting the name /location change requests/process (Auto approve should not happen here)

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