Auto Approve - Core interference

Hello Team,

I am doing migration of standalone IDaaS instance to the main instance.

I have experienced few problems while doing migration in lower environments and the major one seems to be below.

These 2 confg params were enabled in IDaaS Instance so auto approval is happening without any issues.

QER\ITShop\AutoDecision          True      AllStepsNoJump       

QER\ITShop\DecisionOnInsert     True      1     

Where as in Main instance we are generating a PWO/request whenever user changes name /location and asking the user to approver.

As requestor and approver is same here we have disabled the above 2 config params in main instance.

Can you help me with the feasible solution on how to enable the config PARAM's without affecting the name /location change requests/process (Auto approve should not happen here)

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  • QERWorkingStep is used for requests that have already been started before you have changed your approval workflow. (Your configuration parameter "QER\ITShop\OnWorkflowUpdate" is set to "Continue") this has been introduced with 8.0 as well.

    It's up to you if you want to have the new behavior set by "IsNoAutodecision" in your already running approval workflows as well. If so, you need to set the flags in QERWorkingStep as well.