Start Unsubscribe Approval Workflow when PersonWantsOrg request ist Aborted because of Person Deactivated

Hi community

We have some manually provisioned Systems where People can request Access to by requesting a resource in IT Shop.

Approval workflows work fine for subscribe (provision) and unsubscribe (deprivision).

However when a Person leaves and is permanently deactivated, the identity removed from the IT Shop an requests are silently aborted without notification, that a deprovisioning has to be performed.

The same is the case for attestations, if an attestation is denied, the request ist aborted, an no one is Aware, that a deprovisioning must be done.

Whats a simple Approach to address this issue?

Any ideas are appreciated,

Greetings, Edi

  • I think you can achieve this by creating a custom process which send email to the owner of the resource (application administrator). In generating condition you can limit the process to trigger only when PWO request is aborted and limit the product/resource request by having UID_org from PWO request in the condition.

  • I think you can achieve this by creating a custom process which send email to the owner of the resource (application administrator). In generating condition you can limit the process to trigger only when PWO request is aborted and limit the product/resource request by having UID_org from PWO request in the condition.
