Designer - Fast way to publish web project changes?

Hello, i'm wondering - is there any solid way to publish my web project changes to web applications without concerns of them not to be published right away?

How i'm doing it now:

1. Do some changes, place some visible label with increased version number like 'test 123', commit.

2. Press Publish/Publish All, wait for publishing

3. Restart my browser (or ctrl+f5), log in to portal and check visible label to see if it has new version number or old

4. If version didn't changed after previous commit - go to step 2.

Sometimes i have to go throught all of this 2-3 times, it's very annoying. May be i'm doing something wrong?


  • Hello,

    Is the requirement to have such minor changes visible in the wen portal immediately?  Perhaps you could simply test your changes using the web designer preview to confirm things look and behave the way they should, and then publish your changes once they are finalized?


  • Hello,

    Is the requirement to have such minor changes visible in the wen portal immediately?  Perhaps you could simply test your changes using the web designer preview to confirm things look and behave the way they should, and then publish your changes once they are finalized?

