Process Information retention and TimeTrace


I'm having some issues with my history db and need to get my main db down for upgrade to newest version. I plan to create a new history db and the old one will still be available for time trace.

I need to determine what i need to set for keeping the process information on changes history to objects. I know the Common\ProcessState\JobHistory\IsToExport will not be needed for the process information data.

Can someone tell me what is needed for the Process Information to be moved to history db for TimeTrace?

I have the following but are these for the Process Information?

  • Common\ProcessState\ProgressView\IsToExport
  • Common\ProcessState\PropertyLog\IsToExport

Thank you,


Parents Reply
  • Thank you for the direction. 

    Can you tell me if I have not turned on JobHistory for Export or Deletion and I have 6 million plus there will it bog down the DB for deletion if I turn it on to 30 days?

    Should I make appoint to make it a high number then widdel it down every few days?
